Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Lilly en deshabille!

Art class wasn't in the Don Bradman-Bugsplat Sports Centre as it usually is. That's coz the Don Bradman=Bugsplat Sports Centre has lots of windows. And children running around after their netball/basketball/cricket practice.

Instead we went to Gertrude's Gallery. Gerta is the artist in residence there, and also a very inspiring student in our class. She suggested her place on account of the absence of windows and children running about.

Now, why would an art class care about windows and children?

Yes, you guessed it, it's because tonight was LIFE MODEL NIGHT. Yay!

Our friend Lilly en deshabille!

It was fantastic to be on the other side of the canvas after all these years.

And it was great to be back in drawing land.


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