Sunday, October 08, 2006


We had acupuncture in Hometown. Three sessions. The man's a genius. I think we're going to be able to avoid the operation. The improvement was immediate - mobility increased hugely, inches more on various stretches after the first session, and the pain that used to start at 2pm and continue until bed doesn't come on its own any more. It's there if we're bending or putting weight on it, but not if we're just still. That's a big improvement.

I danced at a wedding. The power went out so the guitar played played acoustic and we all huddled close. It was fantastic.

My knee is going to be okay.

I handed in my keys to the Bugsplat Family Centre on Thursday. I'm not going to teach yet. It's too soon. It's too hard. I think I just want to dance. I don't know how things will go here - where our life will go, how much time of it will be mine. I wish I could run away to the city and study dance with a good teacher. I wish I could dance every day.

Art class will start in a couple of weeks.
That will give me some time to think about things.

I don't like walking in the forest. I leave that to other girls. But I do like the colours I can see here. Everything is blooming. Wattle. Coral vine. Flame Pea. Bacon and Eggs. Wisteria. Hovea. Clematis.


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