Sunday, February 17, 2008

checking in

let's see...

bellydance schedule is sorted at long last and looks good. There's four weekly classes (one with overlap of warm down/warm up which just happens to work brilliantly for this particular group) and one fortnightly that might become weekly and there's a possible two montly as well... trial basis.

That's a lot of classes and I'm branching out to Littlesplat.

Studying pilates, low impace standing exercises and feldenkreis. Yay.

Also Francesca is continuing with art. I've realised that she's the one who is doing most of the art although I do get involved a lot with colour. All fine. That's how we're made. All good.

in other news we are still deep in grief for our friend Andrew and often weep.

god grant him peace.
I typed peach! So now I think I'll say god grant him peaches and peace.

That's a happy image - Andrew munching on a juicy peach.


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